Kibble ICO registration number is Z5968316.
91ÉäÇøWorks’s ICO registration number is ZA386001.
The Information Commissioner maintains a public register of data controllers. The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) require every Data Controller who is processing personal data, to notify and renew their notification, on an annual basis.
Under GDPR, 91ÉäÇø Education and Care Centre is the ‘data controller’. As an organisation we hold personal information on staff, young people and others, in order to carry out our services and responsibilities. It is important that how this information is acquired, processed, held and destroyed, complies with the GDPR legislation.
Your information will be held securely and will be confidential. We aim to ensure the privacy and rights of individuals, and promote awareness of Data Protection.
No organisation handling personal information can guarantee that it will never experience losses; however, by ensuring that standards comply with best practice, data subjects will be reassured that reasonable measures have been taken to preserve and protect their personal data. Our policy provides guidance for reporting and investigating any breaches of the legislation.
All users of personal data within the organisation have a responsibility to ensure that they process personal information in accordance with the legislation and the 6 Principles. These being processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes only adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary accurate and kept up to date not kept for longer than is necessary secure By law, individuals are entitled to request access to information that we hold on them, as well as apply for rectification of inaccurate details. This can be done by contacting:
Records Manager
91ÉäÇø Education and Care Centre,
Goudie Street,
Email: Information&
Alternatively, you can download our subject access request form.
If you are unhappy with how your request has been dealt with, or our response, you can request a review. Otherwise, you can contact the at:
The Scottish Information Commissioner
Kinburn Castle,
Doubledykes Road,
St Andrews,
KY16 9DS
Further details on Data Protection can also be found on the Scottish Information Commissioner’s website.
Sharing of Information
Personal data which is shared with other organisations will be documented appropriately, and in accordance with procedures.
The sharing of personal data will be done as necessary, and in a timely and proportionate manner.
When personal data is collected the Data Subject will normally be provided with a Privacy Notice, providing information about what we collect, why this information is needed and how it will be processed and the lawful basis for processing.
The organisation must ensure that personal data is not disclosed to any unauthorised parties, such as government bodies, family members, friends, and in certain circumstances the Police. Where a staff member is requested to provide personal information regarding an individual, caution should be taken and guidance taken from the Data Protection/ FOI Officer.
Please refer to our Privacy Notice for further details.