We want you to feel as happy and settled as possible while you are at 91ÉäÇø. That’s why we encourage you to tell us if you think there’s something we could do better, or if you have a complaint. There are a few ways you can do this:
Speak to someone:
You can speak to any one of the care team, or the manager of your care house.
In writing:
Send a good old-fashioned letter to:
Goudie Street,
Or you will find comments forms in each care house. Please fill out the form and post it in the box.
By email:
You can send an email to quality@kibble.org
How it works
When you make a complaint, you’ll be told who’ll be investigating it and how long the process is likely to take.
You can also talk to, or make a complaint to your Who Cares? Scotland worker. They’re here for you to talk about anything, and they can raise issues on your behalf. You can also make a complaint to your social worker or call any of the useful contact numbers on page 52.
All complaints will be taken seriously. You’ll be informed of the progress of your complaint and you also have the right to appeal any decisions that are made following your complaint. If for any reason you feel you can’t make your complaint directly to 91ÉäÇø, you can ask the Care Inspectorate to investigate your complaint by calling them on 0845 600 9527 or 0141 843 6840, or by filling in their .